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Representing the Golden State

ProRep Coalition | January 2024 

Our vision statement making the case for a multiparty democracy in California and the route to reform ProRep is pursuing. 

California's Alternative Parties: Statement of Support for Proportional Representation

ProRep Coalition | February 2024 

Learn why California’s largest ballot-qualified alternative parties support proportional representation.

California's Unrepresentative Democracy

ProRep Coalition | Fall 2024 



Coming Soon!


Proportional representation, explained

Protect Democracy | December 2023 

Learn about proportional representation and how our electoral system shapes our politics.

What would proportional representation look like in a state legislature?

Protect Democracy | August 2024 

Proportionally elected legislatures could yield more competitive, representative, accountable, and authoritarian-resistant state politics.

Proportional Representation and the Voting Rights Act

Protect Democracy | August 2024 

While certain electoral policies can violate the Voting Rights Act by diluting the votes of minority communities, that is rarely, if ever, the case with proportional representation.


Fix Our House  Brief

Fix Our House | 2023 

Learn more about the benefits of multi-winner districts and proportional representation with this single-page summary.


Single-Winner Districts and the Failures of Redistricting

Fix Our House | 2023 

Fix Our House's analysis of the 2022 redistricting cycle and how proportional representation would make for fairer districts and more functional politics.


Debt Limit Chicken: Why Washington Plays Games with Disaster

Fix Our House | 2023 

Brinkmanship and crises aren’t random accidents in our democracy – they are inevitable outcomes of an electoral system that incentivizes and rewards them.


What are Proportional Elections?

More Equitable Democracy | June 2022 

A 4-page summary of Proportional Representation produced by More Equitable Democracy.


Snapshot: List-PR Systems, Quotas & Women's Representation

RepresentWomen | July 2023 

Most of the countries (58.1%) that use list-PR and have gender quotas have high/above average women's representation.


What is Proportional Representation (PR)?

Californians for Electoral Reform

With PR, legislatures are elected from multi-seat districts in proportion to the number of votes received: 20% of the popular votes wins 20% of the seats, 50% of votes win 50% of seats, etc.

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